The solution for your headache and migraine symptoms
The International Headache Clinic is an independent treatment clinic and specializes in a unique technique to treat and resolve headaches and migraines.Treatment takes place using the Watson Headache® Approach.
700+ succesfull treatments done.

Effective treatment for
different types of headache
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Tension-type Headache (TTH)
Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most prevalent neurological disorder worldwide and is characterized by recurrent headaches of mild to moderate intensity, bilateral location, pressing or tightening quality, and no aggravation by routine physical activity. Diagnosis is based on headache history and the exclusion of alternative diagnoses, with clinical criteria provided by the International Classification of Headache Disorders, third edition.
(Sait Ashina ; Tension-type Headache 2021)
Possible mechanisms; sensitization of peripheral myo- fascial nociceptors, (ii)sensitization of second order neurones at the level of the spinal dorsal horn/trigeminal nucleus, (iii) sensitization of supraspinal neurones, and (iv)decreased anti-nociceptive activity from supraspinal structures. (Bendtsen-Central sensitisation in TTH). Research demonstrates that both migraine and TTH conditions share a common disorders a SENSITISED BRAINSTEM.
Surely then the best approach is to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem and eliminate it. There is clear neuroanatomical evidence that demonstrates a relation between the upper neck and the brainstem, and it is well established that neck muscles, joints, ligaments refer pain to the head. Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar head pain when examining the upper cervical (neck) structures confirms neck involvement in this condition
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Migraine with- or without aura
Clinical features include recurrent headache attacks of unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate or severe intensity, aggravation by routine physical activity, and association with nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. Aura occurs in approximately one-third of individuals with migraine and is characterised by transient focal neurological symptoms of recurrent nature that develop gradually over 5–60 min.
(Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The international classification of headache disorders, 3rd edn. Cephalalgia 2018; 38: 1–211.)
Patient have the tendency to lie still and lie in a dark room.
It is not the blood vessels ! Recent research has discovered that the brainstem of migraineurs is sensitized. The brainstem filters information on the way to the brain, the brainstem is sensitized so information passing through it is magnified, then the brain interprets this information as a threat, (as if there is something wrong (when there isn’t) and its response is to produce (head)pain. This is why triptans (usually prescribed for acute migraine treatment) is effective in relieving migraine(pain). The triptans de-sensitise the brainstem.
Surely then the best approach is to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem and eliminate it. There is clear neuroanatomical evidence that demonstrates a relation between the upper-neck and the brainstem, and it is well established that neck muscles, joints, ligaments refer pain to the head. Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar headpain when examining the upper cervical (neck) structures confirms neck involvement in this condition.

Cluster Headache
“The male headache “or the suicidal headache is probably the most severe pain known and is characterized by ipsilateral headache, with pain localized to the orbit, supraorbital and/or temporal regions and associated autonomic features. Autonomic symptoms, such aslacrimation (tearing), conjunctival injection (redness of the sclera), rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and eye- lidoedema, usually occur on the ipsilateral side to the pain and areabsent in only 3% of cases. Usually patients have an urge to move during an attack.
(May 2018 cluster headache)
The pathophysiology of cluster headache is still unknown but given the fact that a part of the underlying disorder in cluster headache is a sensitized brainstem, undoubtedly it is more powerful to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem The brainstem filters information on the way to the brain, the brainstem is sensitized so information passing through it is magnified, then the brain interprets this information as a threat, (as if there is something wrong (when there isn’t) and its response is to produce (head)pain. This is why triptans ( usually prescribed for acute cluster headache treatment) is effective in relieving cluster headache pain. The triptans de-sensitise the brainstem. Surely then the best approach is to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem and eliminate it.
There is clear neuroanatomical evidence that demonstrates a relation between the upper-neck and the brainstem, and it is well established that neck muscles, joints, ligaments refer pain to the head. Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar head-pain when examining the upper cervical (neck) structures confirms neck involvement in this condition
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Medication Overuse Headache (MOH)
Medication overuse headache (MOH) is a secondary headache. MOH occurs > or equal 15days per month in patients with preexisting headache. It occurs as a result of regular (at least 3 consecutive months) overuse (10 or 15 days, depending on the type of medication) of drugs used as an acute or symptomatic headache therapy.
(The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. Cephalalgia 2018 ; 38(1): 1 – 211)
This type of headache most commonly occurs between ages 30 and 50, more commonly in women(the ratio of women to men is 3–4:1). The estimated global prevalence of MOH is about 3%. Central sensitization processes are likely contributors to MOH. The brainstem is sensitized.
(Vandenbussche N , Paemeleire K , Katsarava Z. : The many faces of medication-overuse headache in clinical practice.2020 ; 70 : 1021 – 1036)
Most important is to educate the patient that there is overuse of acute abortive medication. Many patients have already tried to cut down on medication or have even stopped all medication, but the severity and frequency eventually increases in time and this makes that people, to be able to function in daily life, start using medication again. First just one pill and slowly more and more which results in MOH again. And the circle is round. Surely then the best approach is to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem and eliminate it.
There is clear neuroanatomical evidence that demonstrates a relation between the upper-neck and the brainstem, and it is well established that neck muscles, joints, ligaments refer pain to the head. Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar headpain when examining the upper cervical (neck) structures confirms neck involvement in this condition
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Post-traumatic Headache
Following a concussion, you can develop a headache within 7 days after the concussion, that resembles a migraine headache or tension-type headache. Pain tends to be in the front of the head area of your forehead or temple. It is commonly described as a 'pounding' or 'throbbing' pain. It is sometimes associated with nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. If you are still experiencing what you think are post-concussion headaches beyond a period of 3-6 weeks, then it is unlikely your headaches will resolve on their own. Post-concussion syndrome can sometimes be the result of a misalignment in the upper cervical spine (neck)specifically the C1 (Atlas) or C2 (Axis) and C2,3 segment which have a close relationship with the brainstem. In time this brainstem will get sensitized and cause ongoing neck-pain, head-pain and associated symptoms.
Surely then the best approach is to identify the reason for sensitization of the brainstem and eliminate it.
Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar head-pain when examining the upper cervical (neck)structures confirms neck involvement in this condition
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Chronic Daily Headache (CDH)
There is clear neuroanatomical evidence that demonstrates a relation between the upper neck and the brainstem, and it is well established that neck muscles, joints, ligaments refer pain to the head. Temporary reproduction and lessening of familiar headpain when examining the upper cervical (neck) structures confirms neck involvement in this condition.
(Bigal; the Different diagnosis of Chronic daily headaches- 2007)
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A Cervicogenic Headache
Presents as unilateral pain that starts in the neck and is referred from bony structures or soft tissues of the neck. It is a common chronic and recurrent headache that usually starts after neck movement. It usually accompanies a reduced range of motion (ROM) of the neck. Prevalence estimates range from 0.4% to 2.5% of the general population to 15% to 20% of patients with chronic headaches. Response to diagnostic block of the nerve supply of these cervical structures or intra-articular injection of local anesthetic into the symptomatic joint is considered the major criterion in the diagnosis of cervicogenic headache
(Samer Narouze MD, PhD, in Essentials of Pain Medicine (Fourth Edition), 2018)
Pain referred from a source in the neck and perceived in one or more regions of the head and face. Frequent unilaterale and side-locked pain with coexisting shoulder pain.
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Sinus Headache
A fairly uncommon type of headache. Sinus headaches occur as a result of increased pressure in your sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled areas in the forehead, jaw bone and behind the nasal bone. When these become inflamed due to an allergic reaction or infection, they can swell and produce more mucus and snot. This overproduction can clog the ducts responsible for draining it away - and then the pressure quickly rises in the sinuses and causes severe headaches.
The pain will usually be worse if you suddenly move your head (for example, bend over) or do any exercise. Of importance, with persistent headache symptoms despite medical treatment, is to demonstrate whether it is the sinuses that give the headache or another structure such as e.g. the neck that could play a role in your headache complaint, by temporarily reproducing and reducing your typical headache from the high cervical (neck) spine .
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"I am delighted to report that I have not had a single attack since then"
"Please feel free to ask the clinic for my contact details and I will be happy to get into details."
About PollyAnne van Rookhuijzen
PollyAnne recently obtained her Master of Headache Disorders in 2022 at the University of Copenhagen where she trained with a group of 24 selected global professionals (neurologists, pediatrician, physiotherapists and dentists). This created the opportunity to develop and improve her competencies in headache treatment, diagnosis and research.

PollyAnne van Rookhuijzen
MSc of Headache Disorders
Certified Watson Headache® Practitioner
Master Manual Therapy
Extended Scope Manueel Therapeut
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